Press release
“ Images are significant surfaces. Images signify - mainly - something 'out there' in space and time that they have to make comprehensible to us as abstractions (as reductions of the four dimensions of space and time to the two surface dimensions). This specific ability to abstract surfaces out of space and time and to project them back into space and time is what is known as 'imagination'. […] 
This space and time peculiar to the image is none other than the world of magic, a world in which everything is repeated and in which everything participates in a significant context. Such a world is structurally different from that of the linear world of history in which nothing is repeated and in which everything has causes and will have consequences. “

Vilèm Flusser, Towards a philosophy of photography, 1993.

THE PIL®L is pleased to announce Leylâ Gediz’s first solo show at the gallery. Three years after her last solo exhibition, Leylâ Gediz will present a new body of work under the title Serpilen. The word implies an entity that blooms as it is being dispersed. (Turkish)
The curatorial drive of this exhibition allows and multiplies points of access, calling the viewer to contemplate its totality. Leylâ Gediz is a painter who constructs a mode of representation wherein painting and installation are employed as virtually inseperable media, modifying the viewer’s experience of painting as a result. The new body of work brings together paintings using a limited palette.
Their subjects are drawn from the immediate environment of the artist. As such, Gediz’s paintings invite us to an intimacy of moments, in which the artist aims to connect with the world through her own ‘clutter’.
Some of the objects represented in the paintings will be included in the exhibition, simply as they appear to the artist in all their vulnerability, functioning as minimal sculptural elements. By doing so, the artist asks the viewer to cross a boundary into a space within which the subjectivity of objects becomes a navigational tool: Here, we create sense and links between the works, and weave our own thread of meaning.
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