Lux Miranda's rugs are rooted in her mutually complementary practices of sculpture and drawing. From her sculpture, she keeps the irregular and organic forms of the distinct elements that compose a large carpet: these surfaces have contours that are designed to give them a specific presence in the space. In the same way that one turns around a sculpture, one can turn around her rugs. Placed on the ground, their hold on vertical space gives them a sculptural volume. Drawing remains the basis of the motifs that punctuate the surface of her rugs. But if her sculptures as well as her drawings are achrome, her carpets are on the contrary shimmering and have brought into her work colors with the powdered depths of natural wool. When she returned to France from a long stay in Mexico, where she saw textiles with bright tints and in particular wools that simultaneously captured and reflected light and color, she gradually took hold of them.
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