Ugo Schiavi's (b. 1987, Toulon) fragmented installations and sculptures are often derived from a dialogue with the statuary that belong to the public space, from which he borrows his molds and his imprints. Also, capturing parts from these represented bodies, he intermingles the monument and the living. What he borrows from the statues are cast in concrete and transformed in Schiavi's studio — which he considers as a battlefield. The statues who have been frozen in time for at least decades are, now, reborn and as contemporary as ever.
Le Voyage à Nantes
July 1, 2021 -
Based Istanbul
French artist Ugo Schiavi explores the elements of contemporary art through the art of archeology; a field that most would associate with the “old”.May 1, 2017 -
Gazete Duvar
Protestocuların betonla beden bulmuş halleriApril 25, 2017 -
Istanbul Art Snob
UGO SCHIAVI ''Uprising'' @THEPILLApril 14, 2017 -
Kültür Limited
Ugo Schiavi sergisi THE PILL’deApril 13, 2017 -
Istanbul Art News
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